The arrival of Harper Seven Beckham this week started me thinking about baby names. . . . Keep Reading
The bath-time dance
The boys clamour up the stairs trying to overtake each other on the bend. They reach the stairgate opening at the same time. For a few seconds they’re wedged together in the narrow gap - a mass of flailing arms and legs – then they topple forward and fall in a heap on the landing. After a moment to untangle their limbs they’re on their feet running to the bathroom. Splosh. Anything within reach is thrown in the bath to a chorus of giggles. Pyjamas (laid out all ready), a new nappy and every . . . Keep Reading
How not to potty train twins
I’m amazed how some of the most touching moments during my career as a twin mum have been followed by some of the most disgusting experiences of my entire life. Take last night, for instance… . . . Keep Reading
Little biting monkey
As I mentioned in a previous post, T1 tends to be more boisterous than his brother. I’ve heard the words ‘rowdy’, ‘naughty’ and ‘monster’ all being used to describe him. Sometimes, on bad days, even in the same sentence. I prefer to call him 'over-excitable'. . . . Keep Reading