This week, our family frolics have taken us to the boys’ final preschool nativity.
T2 insisted for the entire week before that he was going to play ‘John’ in the nativity, despite us explaining that there was no John in the story. After some clever mind control, Husband managed to persuade him to be a king called John instead. Only it turned out when we arrived back at preschool there were already three kings lined up. They had to rewrite the nativity to include four kings to keep him happy. T1 on the other hand didn’t really care who he was, so they asked him to be a shepherd because it was such as responsible job to look after the sheep (if that was a fact then I’m sure he’d be the last child they’d appoint with the job, but we went with it anyway!)
The performance went well, despite T1 pulling the obligatory face for the cameras most of the time and then attempting to pull all of the hay out of the manger half way through Away in a Manager.
Afterwards, we got to meet Father Christmas. T2 was a bit disappointed that he just got a dinosaur instead of the really fast scooter he was hoping for, but he cheered up when I assured him that Santa knows what he wants and will hopefully bring it on Christmas morning for him.
I’ve never been more proud as I watched them walk into the church hall and sit down singing the songs they’d been practising for weeks. It was one of those special moments I’ll always remember. We were surrounded by friends in the audience and their Nanna was there watching them with Husband and I. This time next year we’ll be in Australia if all goes to plan, so that made it very bittersweet.
Family Frolics for Multiple Mummy
This post was written in honour of Kerry from Multiple Mummy, who passed away on 14 December 2012. In January, I wrote a post inspired by Kerry about living in the moment and making things count (you can read it here: Life, death and things that matter) and I can honestly say that Kerry passing away so young is part of the reason I want to give Australia try. You only live once and you need to grab it with both hands.
A year on from Multiple Mummy’s passing, and I still think of her often. I loved her blog and I miss reading it, although it’s incredible that her husband is keeping it alive. There is the most beautiful video clip on there to update us all on how the past year has been for them (hop over to Multiple Mummy to view it).
To honour Multiple Mummy, and to show she’s certainly not forgotten, the blogging community is coming together to link up Family Frolics posts. Multiple Mummy’s last ever post was her Family Frolics post, and as her family was everything to her it seems a fitting tribute.
Where ever you are up there Multiple Mummy, I shall be eating lots of chocolate this Christmas and thinking about you, and sending your family all of my best wishes for 2014.
Denise says
Such adorable twins! I only had a son and he brings a lot of joy to us. Having twin surely brings twice as fun so hope you’ll have good times in Australia too!
TalesofaTwinMum says
Thanks for the good wishes about Australia. It can be challenging having twins, but it definitely is double the fun. xx
hurrahforgin says
A lovely tribute Karen.
Your boys have such infectious grins! I hope you all have a super Christmas. I understand it must be bittersweet but think next year you can have a pool party :))
TalesofaTwinMum says
Thanks a lot. This morning T1 was demanding we get the paddling pool out! I had to point out that we might need to wait until we get to Australia, or at least until summertime. He was not impressed and told me he wanted to put me in the bin. I think we’re all itching to get there now, but we’re making sure this Christmas is one to remember for all the family. xx
Sarah @apartyofseven (@apartyofseven) says
adorable! your boys are so lovely!!
TalesofaTwinMum says
Ah thanks honey. I think they are too. Mostly. xx
PinkOddy says
Oh that did make me smile. I think Kerry would have loved that they made a 4th King so that he could play John.