Look how my boys are growing up as they show off their new Mamas & Papas* clothes!
(T2 is in the spotty top, T1 in the grey top)
There isn’t a trace of toddler left in them; they’re proper little boys. The other day I was sitting in between their beds tucking them in and I stroked T1’s hair as he drifted off to sleep, just like I used to when he was a baby. I choked up for a moment as I could see in his face the boy he was turning in to. Handsome, strong willed, cheeky. How did this happen? When did my boys stop calling milk ‘muck’? At what point did their chubby legs turn into slender, grown up legs? Where did all the freckles on T1’s nose come from? When did T2 suddenly become so dexterous that he could do a complicated jigsaw puzzle with small pieces, and where did that smile come from that lights up his face?
It feels like in the blink of an eye they’ve left their toddler days far behind them. They’re running towards the future, wanting to be taller, older and to be allowed to go further from me.
There’s something amazing about the phase we’re in right now. Everything is a discovery. They love and hate things with such a passion. Their excitement at tiny things is overwhelming but so is their anger when things don’t go their way. They’re finding their place in the world. And they’re finding their place with each other. For the first time I can see that their differences are what’s going to keep them together. They love to dress themselves, but they rarely choose identical outfits, instead preferring to look similar but different. They’ve got their own cool style going on.
I think they might just be turning into best friends by choice rather than because they’ve always been forced to share everything together.
E didn’t want to miss out on the fun so she had a go on the trampoline while she watched her brothers climb the slide.
After an afternoon playing in the garden, the sun started to dip so we wrapped up in our chunky cardigans and carried on playing until it was bedtime.
*The boys’ clothes in these pictures were provided by Mamas & Papas free of charge for the purpose of this review. I think you’ll agree that they look very cute in them. We’ve had lots of compliments about how smart they look when we’ve been out and about. Their children’s range goes up to the age of six, so they don’t just sell baby wear. I made the mistake of showing Husband their website and now he wants to buy half the store – starting with these super cool flat caps that I think will be our first purchase!
genuineplacebo says
You have beautiful children! I like Mamas & Papas clothing but find the sizes come up quite small compared to other stores. Good quality though, on the pricey side but great for an occasion!