We really wanted to potty train both boys before E arrived in September as the thought of having three in nappies was terrifying. I’ve talked about it a lot here and here. But as only T2 was ready for it we concentrated on getting him dry over the summer. He did brilliantly, and after a blip where he called pants his “nappy pants” (because he thought he could wee in them just like a nappy) he was completely dry. I even considered taking him out of pull ups at bed time as he was dry at night too. Unfortunately it didn’t last and not long after E arrived he started wetting himself a few times every day. It wasn’t accidental – he would look me in the eyes and laugh while creating a huge puddle on the floor!
Eventually we decided that having a baby sister had probably unsettled him so we took the pressure off by putting him back into pull ups. A few weeks later he demanded to have his pants back and was dry again for about a week. Then he started wetting himself again. We tried to up the emphasis on the sticker charts and sweets as treats and keep reminding him to go as often as possible . At long last it has finally worked he has been dry during the day for the past month or so. I’m hoping we’re there and we’re not going to go backwards again.
Is potty training regression part of the process? I’m really interested to hear how other people have got on and how you’ve tackled it when you’ve taken a big step backwards.
Next it’s T1’s turn. I had planned on doing him over half term but as we were all poorly over the holiday we’ve decided to wait until the Christmas break. I know that once he gets it, he will get it as he’s very switched on about what potty training is all about. The thing is, I’m not sure he has time in his life to use the toilet just yet as everything he does is at 100 miles and hour. I suspect a toilet or potty will cramp his style. Thankfully the lovely people at Dry Like Me have sent us a big box of the toilet training pads to use for him, along with a couple of sticker charts which he is already obsessed with.
Fingers crossed by the time 2013 arrives we’ll be rich as we’ll only have one in nappies at last!
Jillian says
we had a big step backwards and powered through. I have gone back to work and although it’s overnights the boys have seen the change in their schedule and started peeing around the apartment. I just kept sticking them in underware as they were telling us when they had an “accident”. I went back to diapers during nap time. It’s been 4 weeks now since they were doing the “accident” thing (which I believe to be completely on purpose) and with some consistancy they are still in underware and going potty in public (a step up from what they were previously doing)
TalesofaTwinMum says
We’ll both get there in the end! After posting this yesterday we had an accident but it was due to him playing Snakes and Ladders and not wanting to leave the game to go to the toilet! Ah the joys of potty training. xx
J says
That is cute 🙂 Although I’m few months late to reply this, I can relate.
Did you tried the “no pants” day to start back again the potty training?