Yesterday I had the entire day to myself. It seemed like a good idea to go shopping without twins for once.
I called into a café for breakfast, which I didn’t have to share. I lingered over my coffee, enjoying the peace and quiet, while going over my shopping list.
I tried on winter boots and spent ages deliberating whether to get the impractical wedge heeled suede ones that were a bit tight or whether to get the flat comfy leather ones that looked like they’d last. Comfort won.
I went into shops that don’t fit a double buggy. I went upstairs in shops that don’t have lifts. I zigzagged backwards and forwards ticking things off my to do list with ease.
I got home and walked straight inside with my bags. I had no buggy to unload (as it’s too big for the doorway) and fold up. No screaming, hungry toddlers to rush inside and prepare a meal for.
I put the kettle on and sat down. Silence.
Yesterday was one of the first days I’ve had without the boys when I wasn’t actually working. I got a lot done, I did things I never normally get to do. hell did I miss them.
sarah says
So Jealous, i want to go shopping on my own!
TalesofaTwinMum says
It was a strange experience. I forgot what solo shopping was all about – I’m usually force feeding raisins, trying to stop screams with biscuits and rushing around like a mad thing when I take them into town.
Rebecca English says
Wow – shopping without the twins! I can only imagine how lovely that would be. I can imagine it must have been a bit strange too – like missing a limb.
mum of all trades says
we all need days like that.
TalesofaTwinMum says
We certainly do all need days like that. And yes, it was kind of like missing a limb – I constantly felt like I had forgotten something. It was dangerous though as shopping without the meltdown timelimit meant I bought lots of things!