After reading Hurrah for Gin’s Ordinary Moment last week, I couldn’t help but chuckle. Katie wrote about her little boy’s obsession with wearing red from head to toe. It’s very similar in our house; T1 wears red and T2 likes to wear blue. That includes pants, socks, t-shirt, jumper and jeans – in fact if one item of the right colour is missing we have a major meltdown.
When I take them out dressed in their favourite colours I get some funny looks (it’s even funnier when they’re on their red and blue bikes too!) I swear people think I’m a cruel mummy for dressing my twins in clashing colours.
I try my best to get their clothes out for them on days when we have to leave the house, so I can avoid the strange looks. But on this particular day I wasn’t up quick enough to sort the clothes out and T2 rummaged through his drawers until he created this wonderful combination.
My boys have true style. Or not. I can’t quite decide.
hurrahforgin says
What a handsome chap! Hey, at least they know what they like and are not afraid to express it! 🙂
Thanks for the mention lovely xx
grumpinator says
lol that’s great! Could be worse though, could be trying to leave the house in a superhero outfit!
Sara (@mumturnedmom) says
At least it’s coordinated… When my husband used to dress the boys for nursery they would end up looking like rainbow clowns 🙂 It’s good to know what you like, very determined and confident! #TheOrdinaryMoments
cariemay says
Definitely true style! If they know what they like then why not – they’ll have the rest of their lives to have to dress to popular expectation!
Katie @mummydaddyme says
He’s very stylish! and very coodinated! Merry Christmas to you all. x