This last year has been totally manic. We’ve rehomed our beloved pet dog, renovated our home, sold up and moved half way across the globe. It has involved way more work (and emotional stress!) than I’d ever imagined, but it has been worth every bit of it. Following your dreams – instead of just talking about them – makes us feel alive and I’m so excited about all of the opportunities my family and I are going to explore out here. For the first time in years I feel I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be.
I’m not one for sitting still for long, and since landing in Australia I’ve been discovering some awesome new blog support networks. Although I love all the usual networks in the UK, I’ve been part of them for a long time and it’s exciting to find some completely new inspiration. It has allowed me to step back and take a fresh look at my blogging goals for 2015.
When I heard about the new Digital Bravery course being offered by the Blog Society, I was really excited about the idea of kick starting 2015 with something a lot more fulfilling than a fitness regime or diet. I’m really proud to be an affiliate for the programme as it sounds inspiring and practical; exactly the sort of content I know creative bloggers will really benefit from. I’ve only been following the Blog Society for the last month or so, but I can already see that Jaclyn’s energy and enthusiasm for all things digital is overwhelming and I really look forward to receiving their newsletters so I can absorb a few more tips and tricks. In the course, Jaclyn has packed her experience in the marketing, PR and events industry along with her passion and her in depth understanding of the blogging industry to help bloggers achieving their online ambitions.
The course goes on sale TODAY and there is an early bird rate up until 7th December, when the full price kicks in. Although the course originates from Australia, it is totally relevant to bloggers around the world as the original content is universal and everything is done online.
Even if the course isn’t for you, pop over to the Blog Society website and subscribe to their newsletter and follow them on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter as they are constantly sharing content that you will love if you’re a blogger. I’m loving being part of this new community, so come and join me!
I gain a commission for any sales booked through the links on my site but this is a course I have total belief in – go check out the course description yourself if you don’t believe me!
Tip: You might find it useful to send your other half a link to this page as a hint that it’s on your Christmas list!