I once said in a blog post that I didn’t want my blog content to be dictated by advertisers and PRs. That’s still true, but after much debate I’ve finally decided to do reviews on my blog.
The reason I wasn’t keen on the idea of reviewing was really transparency to the reader. I also didn’t want reviews to take over my blog as the main reason I’m writing is to capture the precious moments with my toddlers.
It’s with a bit of trepidation that I’ve started to do selective reviews. If I’ve been given a product for free I’ll tell you, and I promise to be entirely honest about whether I like it or not. I’ll also continue to use the space to review products that I’ve bought myself if I have something to say about them. You can trust that I won’t gush over something just because a company has given it to me (unless it is truly gush-worthy).
I guess this is my first experience of an evolving blog. I’m turning my first creative corner but won’t lose sight of what my blog means to me. Wish me luck!