Over Christmas we decided it was time to *attempt* to potty train T1. He is a very different kettle of fish to his brother. He lives life in a whirlwind, and barely has time to stop to eat, let alone wee into a potty. . . . Keep Reading
“At least you’re done now…” When is your family complete?
People tend to say very silly things to parents of multiples. I've written about it before here. I'm amazed at some of the things people come out with. Now that I have two toddlers AND a little baby I'm greeted with "ah, you've got your hands full" about a million times more than ever. But the phrase that beats them all is "well, at least you're done now". . . . Keep Reading
Potty training twins: The saga continues with potty training regression
We really wanted to potty train both boys before E arrived in September as the thought of having three in nappies was terrifying. I've talked about it a lot here and here. But as only T2 was ready for it we concentrated on getting him dry over the summer. He did brilliantly, and after a blip where he called pants his "nappy pants" (because he thought he could wee in them just like a nappy) he was completely dry. I even considered taking him out of pull ups at bed time as he was dry at night too. . . . Keep Reading
Newborn essentials
I can't believe that E is five weeks old already. . . . Keep Reading
Welcome to the world!
The night before my surgery I felt like I was in a bubble. I couldn’t believe that the following morning I would get to meet my little girl for the first time. I was torn between feeling excited and terrified; the awful delivery I had with the boys kept coming back to haunt me. In preparation for another traumatic delivery I’d even written a list of essentials for Husband, just in case the worst happened and I didn’t come home with my baby. I was so scared of never getting to meet her. . . . Keep Reading